Kursprogramm / Course Program
Trainware Consulting -Kurse können für unsere Kunden weltweit in
englischer oder deutscher Sprache mit gleich bleibend hoher Effektivität abgehalten werden, die aus der Kombination speziell entwickelten Kursmaterialien mit hohem Erinnerungsgrad, der extra motivierenden didaktischen Struktur des Trainings und der psychologischen Einführung in die Interpretation mathematischer Formeln resultiert.
TrainWare Consulting courses can be performed world-wide for our customers in English or German language with constantly high effectiveness, which is a result of our special training material featuring an enhanced recognizable quality level, the extra motivating didactical structure of the training, and an psychological introduction to the interpretation of mathematical formulas.
TW1 Nuclear Physics:
TW1.NP.001 Introduction to Nuclear Physics
TW1.NP.002 Essentials of Neutron Physics
TW1.NP.003 Neutron Physics and Nuclear Fission Process
TW1.NP.004 Nuclear Reactions
TW1.NP.005 Structure of Atomic Nuclei
TW1.NP.006 Radiation Protection
TW1.NP.007 Detection of Nuclear Radiation
TW2 Nuclear Technology:
TW2.NT.001 Nuclear History
TW2.NT.002 Introduction to Reactor Physics
TW2.NT.003 Introduction to Thermal-Hydraulics
TW2.NT.004 Nuclear Power Plant Types
TW2.NT.005 Function of a Boiling Water Reactor
TW2.NT.006 Function of a Pressurized Water Reactor
TW2.NT.007 Core and Fuel Assembly Design
TW2.NT.008 Nuclear Fuel Cycle
TW2.NT.009 Nuclear Safety
TW2.NT.010 Factual Risks of Nuclear Events
TW2.NT.011 Nuclear Waste Management
TW3 Thermodynamics:
TW3.TD.001 Introduction to Thermodynamics
TW3.TD.002 Thermodynamics in Nuclear Power Plants
TW3.TD.003 Thermodynamics in Conventional Power Plants
TW3.TD.004 Heat Transfer and Hydraulics
TW3.TD.005 Tube Cleaning Systems in Heat Exchangers
TW3.TD.006 The Cooling Water Cycle
TW3.TD.007 Advanced Thermodynamics
TW4 Electrodynamics:
TW4.ED.001 Introduction to Electrodynamics
TW4.ED.002 Functionality of Electrical Components
TW4.ED.003 Electrical Systems in Power Plants
TW4.ED.004 Electrodynamics of the Generator
TW4.ED.005 Electrical Transmission and Distribution
TW7 Training Success:
TW7.TR.003 Train-the-Trainer Seminar