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 *Please find in addition
  explications of terms of  
  energy technology.


Fields of Work and Scientific Investigation


  • Thermodynamics
  • Electrodynamics
  • Solid Surfaces*/3/
  • Ultra-High Vacuum*/4/
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Nuclear Technology
  • Fuel Assembly Development
  • Reactor Core Design of BWR and PWR
  • Core Monitoring Systems /5/
  • Nuclear Safety
  • Steam Turbines
  • Electrical Generator
  • Electrical Transmission and Distribution

    Along with the early investigations in nuclear physics /2/ and the behaviour of solid surfaces under heavy ion bombardement /3/, the scientific fields persue the goal to provide fundamentals as well as latest results of those physical disciplines to our customers, which are the basis of power plant technology, prepared in the best way to allow for a quick and efficient implementation into their respective projects.
    The fields of technology comprehend the major components of conventional and nuclear power plants including their main auxiliary systems. We thereby concentrate our attention as much to the efficiency and safety of power plants as to their global environmental compatibility during operation.
    In times of fundamental modification of energy supply, the technology and structure of power networks is of crucial significance for the network stability and security of energy supplies, that therefore is a favorable field of our investigations. 
    On the basis of this know-how we offer our distinct services with an emphasis on specialized training in power plant technology. 
    BWR: Boiling Water Reactor             PWR: Pressurized Water Reactor

    *Results of research on this subject find under 'Scientific Work' 




Oxygen Atom O-16

  One of the most important
  Atoms in universe generated by
  the CNO-cycle in medium size 
  suns  (Hans Bethe, 1939 /69/).
  Nucleus in correct colors:
  8 Protons (red) and
  8 Neutrons (blue)

  8 Electrons (yellow) -
     symbolically reduced size.

      Pic {4}


German PWR Reactor Core 1300 MW

 Konvoi nuclear power station
 Isar-2 near Landshut, Bayern
 during reloading of fresh fuel
 assemblies - a seldom opportunity
 to have a free view on open core.

 Pic {5}

Siemens Steam Turbine during Erection

 Low Pressure Turbine Rotor of 2
 double flow arrangements, in the
 foreground the last stage blades
 with highest length.

 Pic {6}

Switchyard with 400 kV Circuit Breakers

Siemens 400 kV outdoor high-voltage circuit-breakers in a large switching station (T-shaped devices in the middle) represent a high quality key component for secure electrical power supply.

Pic {7} Courtesy Siemens AG (c)

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