*Hier finden Sie auch
  Erklärungen zu

 *Please find in addition
  explications of terms of  
  energy technology.

Important Web Links

Es werden Links zu ausgewählten Web Sites, die einen besonderen technisch-wissenschaftlichen oder energiepolitischen Bezug zu wesentlichen Themen von
TrainWare Consulting h
aben, zur Vertiefung zur Verfügung gestellt.


Selected Web Links that relate to special issues in technology, science and energy policy, which are of major importance for the work and investigations of TrainWare Consulting, are provided for further reading and deeper impression.





United States Secretary of Energy, Washington D.C. 



Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California (founded 1931)
First Cyclotron 1932, Antiproton, transuranic elements, discovery of accelerating Universe



Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA (founded 1861)
Microwave Radar, Digital Computer, high-speed photography, Artificial Intelligence;

World Wide Web Consortium

standards organization

, the GNU-project,

Investigation in Global Energy Consumption



Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire:

European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva (established 1952) 

World largest Proton-Proton Collider: Investigation in sub-nucleon particles and
mediators of the fundamental forces; Standard Model, Quarks, Chromodynamics



ETH Zürich: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
(established 1854)
Zürich is consistently ranked by major World University studies as among the top universities in the world. It is considered the best university in continental Europe.
Main scientific fields: mathematics, chemistry and physics.
Albert Einstein was graduate at ETH from 1896 - 1901 and
Professor for Theoretical Physics from 1909-1912.

Gerd Binnig the inventor of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) /10/,  

Nobelprize winner in Physics 1986, with Heinrich Rohrer a scolar of the ETH.


Gesellschaft für Schwerionen-Forschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Hessen (founded 1969)
One of the world-leading research laboratories for Heavy-Ion-Collisions:
Creation of superheavy transactinide elements, Island of Stability



Environmental, chemistry and hazardous materials news, information & resources
















US Energy Policy



LBNL, United States DOE
Nuclear Science 




MIT, United States 

Applied Science, Technology 






CERN Switzerland,
Particle Physics






ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Theoretical Physics,
Applied Science







GSI, Germany
Heavy Ion Physics 



Chemical Substance